Чё хорошего? Либо искать make, способный скомпилить сорцы под дос. Это надо будет у одмина спросить, он же по Derpian Debian фанатеет, а оно имеет отношение к Unix подобным системам...
------------ Список инструкций MOS Technology 6510/8500
Address Modes:
A .... Accumulator OPC A operand is AC abs .... absolute OPC $HHLL operand is address $HHLL abs,X .... absolute, X-indexed OPC $HHLL,X operand is address incremented by X with carry abs,Y .... absolute, Y-indexed OPC $HHLL,Y operand is address incremented by Y with carry # .... immediate OPC #$BB operand is byte (BB) impl .... implied OPC operand implied ind .... indirect OPC ($HHLL) operand is effective address; effective address is value of address X,ind .... X-indexed, indirect OPC ($BB,X) operand is effective zeropage address; effective address is byte (BB) incremented by X without carry ind,Y .... indirect, Y-indexed OPC ($LL),Y operand is effective address incremented by Y with carry; effective address is word at zeropage address rel .... relative OPC $BB branch target is PC + offset (BB), bit 7 signifies negative offset zpg .... zeropage OPC $LL operand is of address; address hibyte = zero ($00xx) zpg,X .... zeropage, X-indexed OPC $LL,X operand is address incremented by X; address hibyte = zero ($00xx); no page transition zpg,Y .... zeropage, Y-indexed OPC $LL,Y operand is address incremented by Y; address hibyte = zero ($00xx); no page transition
Instructions by Name:
ADC .... add with carry AND .... and (with accumulator) ASL .... arithmetic shift left BCC .... branch on carry clear BCS .... branch on carry set BEQ .... branch on equal (zero set) BIT .... bit test BMI .... branch on minus (negative set) BNE .... branch on not equal (zero clear) BPL .... branch on plus (negative clear) BRK .... interrupt BVC .... branch on overflow clear BVS .... branch on overflow set CLC .... clear carry CLD .... clear decimal CLI .... clear interrupt disable CLV .... clear overflow CMP .... compare (with accumulator) CPX .... compare with X CPY .... compare with Y DEC .... decrement DEX .... decrement X DEY .... decrement Y EOR .... exclusive or (with accumulator) INC .... increment INX .... increment X INY .... increment Y JMP .... jump JSR .... jump subroutine LDA .... load accumulator LDY .... load X LDY .... load Y LSR .... logical shift right NOP .... no operation ORA .... or with accumulator PHA .... push accumulator PHP .... push processor status (SR) PLA .... pull accumulator PLP .... pull processor status (SR) ROL .... rotate left ROR .... rotate right RTI .... return from interrupt RTS .... return from subroutine SBC .... subtract with carry SEC .... set carry SED .... set decimal SEI .... set interrupt disable STA .... store accumulator STX .... store X STY .... store Y TAX .... transfer accumulator to X TAY .... transfer accumulator to Y TSX .... transfer stack pointer to X TXA .... transfer X to accumulator TXS .... transfer X to stack pointer TYA .... transfer Y to accumulator
PC .... program counter (16 bit) AC .... accumulator (8 bit) X .... X register (8 bit) Y .... Y register (8 bit) SR .... status register [NV-BDIZC] (8 bit) SP .... stack pointer (8 bit)
SR Flags (bit 7 to bit 0):
N .... Negative V .... Overflow - .... ignored B .... Break D .... Decimal (use BCD for arithmetics) I .... Interrupt (IRQ disable) Z .... Zero C .... Carry
Processor Stack: LIFO, top down, 8 bit range, 0x0100 - 0x01FF
Bytes, Words, Addressing: 8 bit bytes, 16 bit words in lobyte-hibyte representation (Little-Endian). 16 bit address range, operands follow instruction codes.